The Sound of Holy Hooves

The Sound of Holy Hooves

Donna Milham
I hear a sound of the stomping of holy authority
I hear movement of an army which has been being made ready
For this ‘now’ moment on earth
Lives fully surrendered
At the altar of holy adoration & awe
Gladly – humbly – in the fulness of love
Nothing left
But Him
And bringing Him Pleasure
Obedient lives – ready – willing and able
By His Power within
Love makes the way through
For captivity has been taken captive
By the Lord of Angel Armies
O see them,
In full battle array
Row after row of holy warriors
By the Blood of the Lamb,
The word of their testimony
And not loving their lives even unto death
Perfect Love has had its way
Deep within us
It is their place of ‘governing’ their very lives and hearts
Fear is trampled under their hooves
Can you hear the sound of holy hooves?
A righteous sound
Demolishing every enemy of their spirit, soul, and body
They display the Overcomers Victory Flag
Hear the movement of the war horses
They have been made ready and they are now on the move
With their King
Moving as one – from union & communion!

I hear a decree thundering as they come forth – “On earth as it is in Heaven’!!!

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