To See Beyond

To See Beyond

Karen Elliott

For the past week or so, the Lord has been reminding me of a word He spoke to me several years ago and its significance for today. I feel He is prompting me to share it to encourage us to look beyond what we are seeing with our natural eyes.

A number of years ago as I was riding in the passenger seat coming home from a meeting, I was contemplating some things that I needed answers for. It was evening and the sky was pitch black.  As I was staring out the window into the dark night, suddenly, a brightly lit sign caught my eye. Against the skyline stood a building with a neon-like blue sign that read “C BEYOND.”

My heart was immediately quickened by Holy Spirit. He was reminding me, once again, to look beyond the natural circumstances and my own reasoning, to see what He is doing.  Many times He has spoken to me about looking beyond the natural realm if I want to ‘really’ see what is happening. On that night, He was reconfirming His word to me that I should not judge by what I am seeing externally, and that to move ahead into the future and stand in the midst of what looks to be crazy world circumstances, I must be able to ‘see beyond’ to what He is doing.  Since that day years ago, it seems to me that the world has become even more crazy and volatile.

After this experience, several weeks later, I was returning from another meeting. Again I was sitting in the passenger seat of the car looking out into the night for the building with the blue sign and sure enough, there it was.  Funny, I had never seen this before, even after countless times driving past it.  This time however, there was even more! On the same building along the right top corner were words that were lit up in the same blue lights.  It read, ‘Keypoint’!

I immediately understood that the Lord was saying that to ‘see beyond is the keypoint’ for the hour we are living in. It couldn’t be more clear to me.

The unseen realm must become more real to us than this natural worldly realm!

I believe that this is fresh revelation for this time, even though it is something, we as children of God should continually live in and be aware of. The truth is, too many of God’s children get caught up in the events of the day in the natural realm and are not looking beyond into how the Lord is moving and shifting things in the supernatural realm.

My prayer for us as God’s beloved children is that we will continue to develop a deeper intimacy with Him on a daily basis, drawing near to Him, seeking His presence, tarrying with Him. From this place, we will be transformed, and we will live from the realm where He dwells and see things through His eyes from the place we are seated with Him in the heavens.

I pray that we will grow into the place of seeing beyond the worldly circumstances that seem to surround us.  There are more that are with us than we can see! May our eyes be opened to see beyond!

“When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early in the morning, an army of horses and chariots had surrounded the city. So he asked Elisha, “Oh my master, what are we to do?” “Do not be afraid,” Elisha answered, “for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”  Then Elisha prayed, “Oh Lord, please open his eyes that he may see.” And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw that the hills were full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”  2Kings 6:15-17

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