Photo by Karen Elliott (Stage Fort Park, Gloucester, MA 2019)
If The Rocks Spoke
By Jen Brinton
What stories would these rocks tell
If rocks could indeed speak
How long would their memory be?
As long as this earth has been?
Of the beginning of time
When His voice commanded chaos into order
And His hands touched the very dust
Which formed flesh and bone
Of His steps when He walked the earth
Of His wondrous deeds – too many to name.
But the tale that would astound the most
Would be of His pursuit of us
Through all the woeful and wonderful deeds of man
His eye is still upon His greatest masterpiece
If these rocks could but speak
If they could only shout
The stone that moved by the angels’ hands
Would wax eloquent with awe
At the resurrection power
And majesty of Jesus
Oh, the stories they would tell
The praises they would shout!
Even so, let my voice be louder still.
“And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the
stones would immediately cry out.” (Luke 19:40, KJV)