A Kingdom of God Response by eagledove



Donna Milham

Psalm 61:1-2 “Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer, from the end of the earth I will cry out to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I”. (NKJV)

You oh Lord, are the Rock, the Strong Tower, the Tabernacle that David cried out to. He truly knew You – the tangible reality of the safety and shelter of Your Name.
He was confident in You and trusted his very life’s existence within Your Name.
His confidence came from the time spent with You as he tended his sheep, countless hours alone in Your Presence, learning to know Your Whisper in the depths of his being.

When Your promises and plans for Israel were challenged by their enemies –
David was given eyes to see from Your Perspective.
When he was sent to the frontlines of battle, he did not go with a battle plan –
but simply brought supplies to the army that were sent by his earthly father.
But by Your Hand he was put in the place of seeing and hearing what You wanted to do and how You wanted to win this challenge and defeat this enemy.

David knew you well in the hidden place and had come from the hillside tending the sheep while communing with You.
He had no fear in his heart at this moment, only the reverential fear of the Lord!
David’s heart, beat as one with Yours, which enabled the eyes and ears of his heart to understand and perceive from Your Eternal Throne’s Perspective.
Your Eye was searching for one who would stand against the schemes of the enemy – Goliath and the Philistines.
Not standing in their own might and power – but by the Spirit of the Lord.

In the natural King Saul and the army looked mature and prepared with their armor and swords.
However, even with all of their military gear and years of combat training – they stood ‘afar off in fear’.
Saul even promised his daughter to one brave man who would volunteer.
But none wanted to risk their lives.
To them it was a certain death sentence, and they believed they would never see their honeymoon night.

David looked immature in the natural and unprepared-
A sheep tender with provisions.
But he KNEW GOD intimately!
And because he KNEW HIM and not just OF HIM –
He could hear HIS HEART’S DESIRE and see HIS EYE searching for one who would come forth in this hour.

Goliath challenged Israel’s army and David responded with GOD’S RESPONSE!
A Kingdom of God response!

Heaven came down to surround and enable this devoted lover of God.
As a young boy – one day to be an earthly king –
He stepped forward in his spiritual kingship and authority
He took a stone –
A stone of understanding with confidence in the ROCK upon which he lived his life
The Rock of Revelation  –  The Rock of Salvation!
And He put that stone in his sling as he HEARD what to DO
God’s Hand WITH his flung it into Goliath’s head and dealt a death blow to the spirit of intellect and human understanding –
To the spirit of intimidation, deception, and destruction!

Through Knowing the Overcoming King
David became a vessel that GOD’s Victory poured through
This is the beauty and power and deliverance from

Psalm 62:1-2 “Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation.  He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved”.  (NKJV)

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Come & Gaze – Come & Touch Me by eagledove


Donna Milham

Luke 24:39 TPT

“While they were still discussing all of this, Jesus suddenly appeared right in front of their eyes!  Startled and terrified, the disciples were convinced they were seeing a ghost.  Standing there among them he said, “Be at peace.  I am the living God.  Don’t be afraid.  Why are you so frightened?  Don’t let doubt enter your hearts.  See my pierced hands and feet.  See for yourselves, It is I, standing here alive.  Touch me and know that my wounds are real.  A spirit does not have a body of flesh and bone as you see that I have.”  Then he showed them his pierced hands and feet and let them touch his wounds.”“While they were still discussing all of this, Jesus suddenly appeared right in front of their eyes!  Startled and terrified, the disciples were convinced they were seeing a ghost.  Standing there among them he said, “Be at peace.  I am the living God.  Don’t be afraid.  Why are you so frightened?  Don’t let doubt enter your hearts.  See my pierced hands and feet.  See for yourselves, It is I, standing here alive.  Touch me and know that my wounds are real.  A spirit does not have a body of flesh and bone as you see that I have.”  Then he showed them his pierced hands and feet and let them touch his wounds.”

Come and gaze upon the Truth – I AM TRUTH – THE REALITY OF THE PROMISE
I AM THE PROMISE to you and to all generations

See reality – See My pierced hands and feet for within them is the Promise of Inheritance of My Kingdom Realm Reality


It is not an Easter message
It is the ETERNAL LOVE OF THE FATHER for all mankind


For THERE you will see YOUR WORTH
And all shame, despair, self-loathing….will disappear
Swallowed up in – ‘I WILL GO AND BE THE ONE FATHER’
To purchase the ones that YOU love with MY OWN BLOOD!

See for yourself, not just what you are being taught
Not an echo of truth
But let TRUTH HIMSELF enlarge within you through HOLY GAZING!


It is in touching Me – Contact – One on one – you are healed – body, mind, soul and spirit!


TOUCH ME – put your finger within MY Pierced Hand – Grasp My Pierced Feet
Let MY Resurrection Power flow into every place
It Conquered death, hell and the grave
And it will annihilate every place of doubt and unbelief
You WILL SEE and believe and live in and within the Reality of The Promise
For I HAVE OVERCOME and I AM seated on My Holy Throne In Total Victory

Come & Gaze – Come & Touch Me

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Walking in the Dreams of God’s Heart For Your Life by eagledove


Donna Milham

Ephesians 3:20 – TM
“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

Truly God can do anything in and through our lives, if we will give way to Him and surrender to His Spirit’s wooing of our hearts.
We are the ones who hold ourselves back, our fears, our insecurities, our what if’s, the unknowns that lie ahead on unfamiliar paths, should we respond with a yes.

God is not saying we can’t do it, He is saying to do what He is speaking to our hearts to do, to pursue those wild dreams He has put inside of you.  Dreams that are beyond our ability, they require His being involved, they are impossible without Him and that is part of His plan – a holy dependency upon Him.

He may say to stretch forth your hand in raw and radical obedience as He did with Moses.  God asked him what was in his hand, knowing it was a staff with His Authority upon it.  Moses had no such power, but his obedience released Dominion Power and Authority – parting seas and making a way for the people.

What is in your hand?  Jesus’s nail scarred Hands inside of yours waiting to be stretched forth in mercy, in power, in healing, in deliverance.  This power flows forth from Philippians 3:10 fellowship – “That I may know Him and the power of  His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, becoming conformed to His death”.

What is in your mouth to speak forth? Jesus’ words of Life – Jesus’ words of Love, Healing, Hope – from being with Him. Open wide and speak what you hear, speak what you know in your heart, speak what He speaks through you – from intimate knowing!

What is that melody in your heart?  Sing the song that overflows from devotion.
What is that stirring within your being?  Dance the dance that reveals His Kingdom – the dance of devotion and joy of being loved by – I AM!
Paint the canvas of His Glories and mysteries from the realms of being with Him and basking in awe and wonder at His Majestic Creation.
Write the poem that reveals His Heart -flowing from His Deepest Desires and Longings.

Arise –Stand Up – and do what you have been put here to do – from being with Him – that part cannot be left out – it is all about intimately knowing Him.

Today it is time for excuses to GO!
Let God out of the box of our mental excuses.
Do not apologize for who you are, He is in you, and you are a carrier of the King.
You are called to be a son of God, you are royalty. Lift up your head, lift up your eyes – stop comparing – look at Him.  See His Smile, hear His Yes over you – walk and live under and in His Yes!

God has put desires within you, dreams within your heart, follow them.  He has given you within those dreams, every ability and every provision to carry them through and see His Glory come forth in them.

Do not put them on the shelf called – some day or one day… that day is TODAY!

Blow the dust off the journals, blow the dust off the prophetic words, blow the dust off the books of dreams and arise!

Do not let fears or doubts keep you from hearing and walking in the dreams of God’s Heart for your life.

It is time for a revolution in our lives – to turn over the tables of every place of hopelessness and unbelief……….and stand up and take your place FULLY in the DREAMS GOD has placed within you.

Ephesians 3:2-210 AMPC
“Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]—  To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it).”

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If I Do Not Remember by eagledove

Donna Milham
All You have done for me
Then I am like the 9 lepers
Who only received healing
But NOT wholeness
If I do not remember and tell of Your Goodness
My heart can grow callous
Self-focusedIf I do not remember
Your Costly Sacrifice
How then can I
Please You
For You gave Your Life

Luke 17:11-17 TPT

On his way to Jerusalem Jesus passed through the border region between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered one village, ten men approached him, but they kept their distance, for they were lepers. They shouted to him, “Mighty Lord, our wonderful Master! Won’t you have mercy on us and heal us?” When Jesus stopped to look at them, he spoke these words: “Go to be examined by the Jewish priests.” They set off, and they were healed while walking along the way. One of them, a Samaritan, when he discovered that he was completely healed, turned back to find Jesus, shouting out joyous praises and glorifying God. When he found Jesus, he fell down at his feet and thanked him over and over, saying to him, “You are the Messiah.” “So where are the other nine?” Jesus asked. “Weren’t there ten who were healed? They all refused to return to give thanks and give glory to God except you, a foreigner from Samaria?” Then Jesus said to the healed man lying at his feet, “Arise and go. It was your faith that brought you salvation and made you whole.”

Let us always remember
to return to you
With thanksgiving and praise
Glorifying You
Falling face down at Your Feet
In holy adoration
Gratitude overflowing from our hearts
Your response was beyond healing of his body of the disease of leprosy
You made him whole!
If I do not remember…!

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Jesus Didn’t Answer Them – Until… by eagledove

Jesus Didn’t Answer Them – Until…

Donna Milham

John 8:1-11 TPT

Jesus didn’t answer them
Religious law keepers screamed in His Grace filled ears
He refused, He chose not to respond
He bent down
He wrote with His Eternal Finger
In the dust
Dust that He had shaped mankind from

Religion shouted – demanding answers to their questions –
“Tell us, what do you say we should do with her?”
Noone can force I AM to respond
Certainly not spirits of condemnation
Nor anger demanding another human sacrifice on the altar of legalism

Jesus Stood Up in the very midst of the sounds of accusation
His very standing in the ‘mist’ of demonic spewing
Disrupted its swirling intent
He intentionally LOOKED right at them
Into their eyes
Piercing TRUTH – looking to see
Was there any light or GRACE or MERCY within their souls
As Divine Protector of the ones He left Heaven for
He speaks –
“Let’s have the man who has never had a sinful desire throw the first stone at her”
Never, Never, Never, Never – ECHOED around their hardened hearts and demonically filled thoughts
And like lightning flashing – exposed the stark reality –
They were all guilty
None were innocent
ALL required stoning
Jesus CHOSE to let ‘TRUTH’ ring its resounding chorus and silence ‘the accuser’

So He bent down again and wrote some more – in the dust He Created
The very ‘dust’ knew WHO HE was
All of creation knew and watched
Conviction’s Sound resounded in the atmosphere
Like a quick moving thunder cloud
It swallowed up – ‘the law’
And released – Grace & Mercy
Let him, let him, let him…………who has no sin…………..
A thunderous VOICE of Jealous Caring and Compassion – SILENCED
Everything and everyone
IN SILENCE of that moment
The thud of the rocks of murderous religious spirit’s plot – hit the ground
Releasing the sound – the sentence of death nullified
By the sound of holy conviction
From The LAMB Who Chose to come
He was displaying before all to see and hear that day
And man’s CHOICES be displayed
ALL are gone now –
Stillness in the air
Grace is hovering as a blanket of Mercy
To clothe a naked, shame-filled daughter with dignity and hope

He stands up – second time
With a Voice of the True Shepherd
ASKS – ‘dear woman, where are your accusers, is there no one here to condemn you?”
Divine Eternal Question –
Where are your accusers, accusers, accusers……???????

The demons panicking – no one is left –
They are now stricken from this ‘arena’
They had thought was well prepared for another sacrifice
Of a beloved child of God
Is there no one here…?????

Stunned – she had awaited the blows of burial stones
Instead she heard thuds – but too afraid to even peek
Wide-eyed – openly Look Around
And still not able to fully comprehend
“I see no one, Lord”

Noone, no one, no one –
WHO could silence such a crowd
WHAT could cause this death parade to cease its march and surrender its demand
HE ALONE – Lord of Mercy
Eternal Lamb stood in her midst and declared her
It rang from Eternity
He was slain before the foundation of the earth
And now supernaturally – suddenly
Resounds in this ‘now’ moment of time

He speaks for final time in this epic drama before Heaven and hell
“Then I, certainly DON’T condemn you either – GO and from now on BE FREE from a life of sin”

‘I DON’T condemn you
From now on
Be Free
From a life of sin’

“I don’t” – CANCELS out sins demand of a price to be paid
“GO” – breaks the chains of sin’s captivity that would want to hold her and fasten her to her past
To limit her moving in a miniscule circle of ‘if only’ and ‘the shame of the past’
Rehearsing with the demons of remorse
Her life a waste and a total loss
Saved this time– BUT screaming – we will have an opportunity again
You’ll be back and so will we and next time –
Who will save you?

Eternal One’s Voice continues
“From now on – Be Free from life of sin”
You are safe within Our Arms
Abide there
We clothe you with – forgiveness
We adorn you with – hope
We fill you with – rest
Breathe in atmosphere that NOW surrounds you
“Perfect Love casts out all fear”

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A Pathway Through by eagledove


Donna Milham

Psalm 77:19 NLT
“Your road led through the sea, Your pathway through the mighty waters – a pathway no one knew was there”

His Road, His Way – goes through and not around.
It is in going through that faith is built and hearts are tried and tested, calls are proved and secured, and God becomes ALL to us.

His Pathway – His Way – goes THROUGH the mighty waters.  This is not a trickling brook or a stagnant pond, this is a mighty sea.  Powerful and stronger than man’s strength to overcome.
The waves are huge, the currents strong, the riptides dangerous – this is the mighty sea.

Yet He does not lead us around but through!
This is a Confident God a Sure God – for all along HE KNEW what we did not.
A pathway THROUGH – safe passage for those He loves.
Safe passage through – but it requires Trust and Risk and ‘not my will but Yours’.

It’s to say okay, here we go, I don’t see how – I don’t see a way – I just see death and drowning – no way can I get across and through this sea, these mighty waters.
Lord, I asked for the River – how did I get this mighty sea?
He says – The way OUT is the way THROUGH.
When you pass through the waters, they will not overtake you.

It is the baptism into death – death of confidence and reliance on self, of our independent ways and soulish thinking – trying to figure it all out.
Taking the Way of Faith means risk!
Standing at the shore with the seas great vastness and saying – okay here I am – I don’t see a way – but I choose to trust YOU.

All along He had the pathway – we just could not see it – a hidden mystery – a hidden way – THROUGH!

These are shown to those who are willing to risk, trust and declare –
Lead on, Oh King Eternal
Holy and True One
I trust in You – on You
I am Yours and I trust You
To lead me through for
On the other side are promises untold that can never be mine without
Going Through!

Choices – land of mediocrity on one side
land of adventure with Him on the other which requires radical risk-taking.

What He wants to produce is a people who know their God and when storms hit our individual lives, our family, our church, our city, our nation – we are calm in the storm and can press in to see the way THROUGH.

For they see what HE sees with the eyes of their hearts – locked in faith – with Him and in Him.

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The True Sound of Silence by eagledove


 Donna Milham

Holy hush on the hillside
Shepherds and sheep
In stillness
A suddenly visitation
A holy angel announces
And heaven’s vast angelic army confirms in song
Oh the Brightness of their light
Into and overtook
The night
Displaying and announcing
Is born
Has come
Brightness of the Army’s Light
Can we even grasp
Brilliance of Glory Realm
The True Sound of Silence
Heaven’s Stillness
Heaven’s Hush
Visiting the Shepherds
And their sheep
In a hidden place
Not announced in the market square
Nor in the temple
To the simple shepherds
About their daily tasks
Watching over their flocks
In the night
Where nothing competed with their senses
No distractions
A hillside with sheep
Is announced
Holy Announcers from Heaven
Caused them to enter into
Stunned adoration & awe!
Overtaken by
Holy Light & Holy Sound
In Heaven’s Stillness & Rest

Holy deposits of revelatory Truth
Into their hearts and beings
LIGHT permeated
Overtook darkness & shadowlands of their souls
And caused a response –

Seekers of TRUTH
And when they found
With Radiant Light
In His Eyes
The same Light
That visited them on the hillside,
Eternal Realm of Holy Light & Holy Love & Holy Life

They bowed
Before the KING
In reverence
In stillness
In the hush of Heaven’s Birthing of

In that stillness
They were overtaken
With His Reality

They arose and humbly departed
On a heavenly mission
Heaven’s holy announcers
On earth

The SILENCE is NOW pierced
With Revelation’s Sound & Eternal Decree
The Savior has come
The Light of the World
Darkness has been pierced
The True Radiance
Of Heaven’s Glory
Is with us

O come let us
Holy wonder & awe

The True Sound of Silence
O holy night
A suddenly
As we
In His Stillness
With Him
For Him
Filling our hearts afresh
To BECOME His announcers
Behold the Light of the World
Has come!

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My Beloved – In the Stillness by eagledove

My Beloved – In the Stillness
Karen Elliott

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.  On those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned!” (Is. 9:2)
“For unto us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders, and He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace, there will be no end.” Is. 9:6-7

He is my Beloved!

“My Beloved is the most beautiful among thousands and thousands”

He is fairer than 10,000… and the Desire of all nations
He is coming for His Bride, looking for His Burning Ones
Those who will not let go of love’s fire.
He is crying out – ‘Look at Me, here I AM’

Do not let the fire of love burn out
Love Me more than anyone or anything
I am in the stillness
I am in the quiet
I am in the secret place
In the inner chambers
I am waiting for you there
My gaze ever upon you

Feel My Breath as you draw near
Watch as the flickering flame becomes
A roaring inferno of Love’s pure light, luminous, glowing & radiant
Lighting up the night
Making the Way clear
See Beyond this natural realm
Look beyond into the eternal
Step into Love, the Realm of I AM
I HEAR your love song!

“Yeshua, ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah”

“My Beloved is the most beautiful among thousands and thousands”

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Your Heart is a Harp by eagledove

Your Heart Is A Harp

Donna Milham

Your heart is a harp
That He loves to blow His Breath upon
As you sit and wait with Him
Upon Him – waiting for Him
His Breath blows upon the strings of your heart
An instrument of praise
For His Heart longs to hear the melodies from deep within
Deep calls unto deep
Releasing waterfalls of love
Colors and sounds – notes and tunes
Meant for and before His Holy Throne
Release the sounds of worship and praise
Let the Winds of the Spirit blow gently across your heart strings
Songs for –
The King
The Sovereign One
The One Who is Worthy
The Lamb
The Risen Resurrected Savior
The Lion of Judah
The Creator of All
Songs within – ancient and new
Heaven is postured –  Earth is waiting
Both are listening
Open wide the gates of your heart
Let the music begin
For this will release the creative realms of God and Heaven from around the throne
Into your heart – into your home
The realms where the impossible become not only possible
But reality!
Singing from your heart – opens the seers eye
Seeing into the heavenly realms
Open heart – open eyes
Seeing – hearing – releasing
Sing what you see –
Dominion songs of holy authority
Chains break at one note from the Holy Realms
Disease flees at one sound of Worthy!
Restoration is released at one song of Victory!
Sing what you see – on earth as it is in heaven!
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The Sound of Perfect Liberty by eagledove


Donna Milham
Can you hear the sound
Feel the rumbling in the Heavens
And within
Took captivity, captive
Every wound & betrayal..
Enemy tried to hold us captive
Of possible imprisonment


Be free- live free
Purchased Freedom
Totally Free
Believe – Receive
Not for our partial freedom & deliverance

See hell emptied that glorious day
When HE Ascended
With His lovers
Bursting up up up
RESURRECTED sons & daughters

There is NO captivity
Wide open plains of
His Glorious Kingdom Realm
Hear the sound
Feel the reverberations
Being released
Over and in you

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