Reach Out School of Ministry

Reach Out School of Ministry Photos


We consider this school one of the most important aspects of our entire ministry.  We consider it the highest trust to be able to help shape the lives of present and future leaders of the body of Christ, and it is our goal to make it the very best.  To make it the best requires trust and commitment from both faculty and students, and part of our commitment is to accept only students with a calling and vision to impact the lives of others for the kingdom of God.

Ephesians 4:11-16

We believe that every Christian is called to an extraordinary life of pursuing God, fullfilling their lifes’ purpose, and doing the works of Christ wherever they go.  The vision of our school is to equip students to this extraordinary life.  Our goal is produce pastors, educators, worship leaders, and missionaries to bring in the kingdom of God, not only in Africa, but throughout the earth as the Spirit leads them.

We have designed our school to help our students find a deep, intimate relationship with God and to discover their spiritual gifts, calling and purpose in God.  We hope to provide a creative environment of teaching, worship and hands-on experience where they receive the tools they need to succeed in their christian life and ministry.  We hope to create an atmosphere of spiritual hunger, passionate worship, and rich fellowship with other devoted believers.  We will emphasize foundational teachings and training in Biblical truths, encouraging students to cultivate intimate fellowship with God, Christian discipleship, and growing in the gifts and calling of the Lord.



Our ministry leaders teachers and speakers will come from our ministry as well as other ministries and who are qualified to teach and provide relevant instruction for students.  Some material will be delivered personally, while other material will be provided by written, audio, or video media.



It’s been our desire that our school year be divided into three semesters, with each semester we  build on the one before.  We have designed the first two semester so that they are devoted to equipping the students with a solid foundation in the scriptures, exposing them to different aspects of ministry, and cultivating the gifts of the Spirit. In the third semester , we  teach more about practical applications of ministry, leadership, and how to deal with realities of ministry. 


2ND SEMESTER:  May – August

3RD SEMESTER:  September – December

During all semesters, our classes  have specific times for student internship. Here, we work with local pastors and church leaders so that students on internship are able to learn from them and work with them. Our placement team helps to qualify prospective interns, placing them in specific areas of ministry and under specific ministry leaders that coincide with what best fits their need and desires.



Ministry service, personal feedback, and insight from interim instructors’, monthly question and answer meetings with ministry leaders, and leadership advances and Chapel times(where all the students gather to worship and practically minister and  speak prophetically into each others’  lives) help to facilitate spiritual growth and leadership.  We have seen visible changes that are apparent in the lives of our students as they continue to press into the Lord and develop their gifts, callings, and anointings.  A greater focus  allows students to look beyond the present moment and move forward in a lifestyle of worship, ministry, and service to the body of Christ.



Due to limited funds we arel only able to provide housing for a limited number of people from out of the area, and if couples would like to attend they will be responsible for their own housing.



It is our policy as a school to keep tuition and other costs as low as possible while covering the costs of operations like rent for the school housing and love offering for our teachers and other expenditures.  For ninety days we hope to just take some minimal fees to help cover the cost of running the school and preparation of curriculum.

We hope that students will develop a desire to seek and find the heart of God and walk in the power of Christ while moving in step with His Spirit.  We look forward to having good teachers here while having plenty of opportunities to practically use what they have learned.  Students will recognize their gifts and callings and avail themselves to develop their potential that God intends to bring into reality.  They will be equipped with a solid foundation in the word, a knowledge and use of the gifts, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and practical ministry experience.  Our school is focused on propelling our students into a lifestyle of worship and ministry.



Currently, financial aid to the school is minimal.We work and do farming to support the school.



Successful completion of first semester earns a certificate of completion.  Successful completion of other courses as arranged by the school will earn a student an associate Diploma, higher Diploma and degree. Our emphasis is in having people grow up into being Christlike and bear much fruit, and not so much on obtaining certificates.

We have students from DRC Congo, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Southern Sudan and Kenya. It’s our prayer to be able to have students from every nation of Africa and also have Schools in each country as well 2 Timothy 2:2. 

We encourage you to be part of this great work for God’s glory and for the manifestations of God’s purposes in His kingdom on earth.  We are carrying this out as a team and family.