Heaven’s Response to Earth’s Praise

By Donna Milham

 There is a rumbling – can you feel it in the ground – it is the sound of the Body of Christ arising.

The sound of the nameless – faceless ones coming forth.

It is the sound of dry bones being renewed, strengthened, and refitted – by His Hand with His purpose – not by man’s hand nor for man’s purpose.

Being made fit for Kingdom purposes in this hour.

 It is the hour to put our ear to His Breast in the posture of intimacy. 

It is the hour to put our ear to the ground and listen for His response to radical praise, abandoned worship and kingdom declarations from earth.

For as He responds to them He sends forth His earthquake and His lightning from Above

Like Paul and Silas in the deep dungeons – hands chained…they SANG A NEW SOUND OF WORSHIP when in captivity…for their spirits were not captive only their physical bodies.

They carried within their beings the SOUND OF FREEDOM and LIBERTY –

 They carried within their beings the SOUND OF RESURRECTION POWER –

 They sang a song in the night, in the dark, with chains….

 They released notes and proclamations and GOD IN HEAVEN HEARD and His response was one that caused a SHIFTING in the earth….it caused a response of


It was the shifting from captivity and bondage – put on them by religious men and religious systems – into the enlarged place.

 GOD SANG HIS SONG back from heaven and caused the earth to shake and the chains to fall and salvation to begin within the dark dungeon, out into homes of the prison guards….and flowing into the marketplace….for God’s Sounds are violent and they bring action with them!

 The Spirit of Illumination – Holy Spirit – illuminates our hearts and minds and causes us to hear and perceive and makes our steps clear.

Our steps become steps of light leading the way through the darkness.

 God stomped His Foot in rhythm with the song/sounds of Paul and Silas – Foot of Light – releasing lightning – thunder – quaking and rumbling…..Heaven To Earth Sounds…..

Breaking open – breaking through – all religious captivity….

No one would stop those who were His – He would join in and respond – THIS SINGING RADICAL LOVING GOD – Would show forth what Holy Dance will release….

It releases sons of God from every place of captivity into His Holy purposes and plans!