by Donna Milham
I dare to dream that there is a remnant that is arising in the body of Christ who will set their hearts towards the Lord and their faces toward Heaven and will cry out for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done.
I dare to dream that there is a remnant who will not shrink back in this hour, but will run the race with the fullness of God’s joy as their strength and His love overflowing from their hearts.
I dare to dream that there is a remnant who will see as Heaven sees and will align our lives with His holy Kingdom purposes – on earth as it is in Heaven!
I dare to believe that there is a remnant who have not compromised their beliefs, who have not and will not bow their knee to any other gods. Who serve One God, One King and One Kingdom!
I dare to hope that America will return to God and that God will not turn His Face away, Lord if there are 10 righteous???
I dare to pour out my life and heart and prayers for this nation to experience the next Great Awakening that will awaken the church and this nation to the Father’s Love! Where transformation will come and remain and entire cities will be shifted and changed in a day!
I dare to hope that though darkness continues to increase that His people will grow brighter and brighter in His Presence and bring His Glorious Light and Love to their neighbors, their cities and towns, their states, this nation and the nations!
I dare to decree – LET THERE BE LIGHT – to this nation!
That veils will be lifted from eyes blinded by deception, from minds filled with confusion and from hearts filled with fear.
That we as God’s people will walk in Faith, Hope and Love!
That we will walk in faith to move mountains, hope that saves a nation, love that conquers fear and makes way for His Truth to come forth into the hearts of men, women and children!
I dare to believe there is an awakening coming and that we His people are hearing and responding and arising, for such a time as this!